The Optimum tax-planning Strategy for your First Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

If you are not already, one day you will most likely be lucky enough to reach age 70.  At that time, you will also likely be aware of the Required Minimum Distribution rules that will apply to any pre-tax sheltered retirement accounts (such as IRA and 401k accounts) that you have.

What to do if you Missed a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

What to do if you Missed a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)

While drawing income from retirement accounts is common for most retirees, some may find that other income sources are more beneficial for a period of time.  After age 70 1/2 though, the IRS requires you to begin withdrawing money from certain retirement accounts, regardless of whether you need it, or not.  And if you miss the deadline, the penalties can be pretty severe.

Creative Retirement Planning For The Charitably Inclined (Part 1)

As you plan for your retirement your primary focus is on building assets to provide a source of income for your retirement years.  The goal is to accumulate wealth, either on a taxable or tax deferred basis, that will generate sufficient earnings and growth combined with mandatory distributions from tax qualified plans and social security benefits to support your lifestyle in the years you are not working.